Random stuff.
Stuff flying around my perplexed mind...
I wonder if Chem was worth it. Or will it ever be.
That maybe I should have stayed in music and learnt how to appreciate.
Afterall I like what's easy(:
There could always be shifting...But I feel like I'm at the brink of a break through.
Bits and pieces suddenly spring back together and despite the current struggle which is probably eternal , the lightbulb sparks several flickers.
"I can see clearly now, the rain is gone..." can't remember what song this is from.
I've had a flash of what I thought was maybe love. Then again at this moment, I say it's just interest...
TOK that is. The essays are troublesome...but deep. I kinda enjoyed bull-ing all the way. That I was proud when I achieved some aknowledgement.
Got my report today.
Average really, total of 30/45 points=S If I include the "supposably" extra point for a B in TOK;P
I could actually settle on this(:
Exceptions were "copying in bio" -_-" I dont even want to elaborate. "distractions in geo" neither this X_X pfft.
I wonder if theres a point.
If theres ever an end,
Or is it just another beginning?
Perhaps a reason too...
"TAN" days to go.
Everythings ready.
Well at least I think it is. The heart if full of surprises after all.
I'm still waiting for you're post bro;p Though we'll have a joint one soon.
It's more of for you from me, or from me to you, or from you to lotus.
It's complicated. It always is.
Theres no really "I can put my hand on this and say..."
I've been thinking alot about yous.
The picture holds love, and pain and the same time.
Memories hold everything.
So where does He stands in all of this?
At the centre.
In the heart.
It's a good motto/theme/whatever you call it;p/your trademark; and it's where this ends.
I wanna look to You everyday.
just like those days.
But even more.
Me.Papillo;P Shane*