At first I thought what Shane & Shane reflected most was a striking resemblence of Mercyme. In looks, and voice. Big guys, super range, marvelous melodies. Then again, whilst I continued listening to a few tracks on "pages" I thought they kinda sound like jason mraz, panic at the disco.
Apparently they've got really wicked guitar skills, says stephen, but I've yet to hear a track with jaw-dropping guitar riffs! Anyone know which tracks from which Album? Ronnie should know(; Thanks for taking the time to burn me another copy! Hopefully it wasn't that troublesome...
Shane & Shane always brings me back to Mr. Walters i.e. Mr. mouth twitcher(: He was the greatestXD If you recall, he called me shane too probably cause he had pronounciation problems;P People even made a petition for him to stay, but this was intervened and he had to leave for health reasons. He was the one who always knew the culprit of the foul gas(; Haha, gave me a lesson on how they tax farmers in Oz for the farts given off by their cow in order to try make farmers deter from ranching I suppose as you know how carbon dioxide is a greenhouse gas and blah blah...Anyways, I miss the loud, friendly, cheers we use to give him every time he entered the room, and how he would call us smelly, dirty, horrible children, whilst twitching! :P Was a precious sight.
Hopefully Ronnie will be still around and that their christmast album releases in time!
Oh and you got me on Stellar Kart!
They're like christian punk! WOOTS!
Ps. It's weird, on youtube, the blonde dude's surfboard has the "not of this world" logo on it, but on this album cover it doesnt....hmmmm