Everyone's talking about it. It's literally in the paper everyday.
So it just happened that I was talking about this dilemma with my sister and she came across with an interesting point:
Suppose this was a secret way of cutting down on their population...Afterall overpopulation does have its cons. Not to mention this would probably help out with the "China One Child Policy Rule" It would be interesting if this was the actual mastermind or reason for this crisis. Come to think of it, they might have the opinion of this helping to reduce global warming....well that's enough of geo! But seriously, think about it. HUGE population and growing, limited resources. You can't really help but think that this could be a secret kinda plan alongside with the One child policy....
OH, which brings me to something crazy. When we were in Miri, D' was reading the paper, and there was this girl who was willing to pay people to kill her parents because the parents said she had to get rid of some of her comics because they were moving or something like that....but heck, thats friggin' EXTREME D_D
One last thing: Who would jump into the sea to save their dog from a shark??
I'd let the dog die.
4 days left=/
Ps. Am thinking of a new template....then again, I love this layout:D Black(: