Quickly got cleaned up, dressed, skipped breakafast and left. Running past the ushers to look at the clock I was already late. Skipping past the chairs I went to the changing room to get dressed. My hangar is purple so it wasn't that hard to find my robe even though there was so many. Looking into the glass pane my reflection bore the image of a young boy going to bed, more preferably called "THE ALTARBOY". Yet they say my robe is too short. No time to waste so grabbed the packet of matches and lighted the candles. Thank god. I made it. Lighting the candles were due when the bell is rung the first time.
So yea service went on with me fidgeting like crazy apparently. I can't still. One of the child factors that runs in my blood. Anyways, I've got this ring my me D' and yea its a 3-in-one kinda things so it slides easily. So was playing around with the ring lots. Now my fingers swelling up X_X Once again intercession just made me more restless. Plus I wasn't very comfortable.
Moving on to communion which was a total screw up. Here lets list them down:
-I forgot to ring the bells
-I wasn't in time when ringing the bells(I'm suppose to follow the ques of the the reverend)
-I can't ring the bells loud OR strong enough to save my life
-I forgot to take off the bungs for the water and wine gourd
-I gave the gourds in the wrong position
-I can't even pour out the wine or water cos' I'm
-give the reverend WAY TOO MUCH WINE (And apprently it was full to the brimD_D) haha
So that was pretty much my crazy start to my new service as an altarboy.
It was definately a new experience. Serving God comes in many ways and this is one of them. I have to say it's probably not the must fun way but one way or another you will be rewarded. Oh, the funniest bit had to be where all the sunday youth class were coming up for communion. The younger generation including joel k had cheeky grins, gosh, really made my day though haha couldn't help smiling back. Sooner or later, we're gonna need new recruits and most of them will be coming from sunday class. MWAAHAHAHAHA
TWO more days of examXD till then;
Ps. Wonder what it would be like with girl servers:P
Pps. I Just wanna take this time to thank my co-blogger, brother and friend, gid, for that choker (IT GLOWS) from Switchfoot and for all the support you've given me so far. Big thanks for never getting bored of me asking you the same questions over and over again. Thanks for the advice and making things much clearer for me. Come back soon! and BLOGGG