
Posted on Monday, October 15, 2007 -

No idea why our post title's don't show up anymore=/ Must be some layout configuration thing. Looks like We're gonna have to put the title on the context itself.


the washing, swishing and swirling of rain; refreshes such a troubled mind.

I love the rain. The sound of soft pattering rain drops soothes you to sleep in and snuggle within the comfort of your bed. I forget so fast yet I recall even faster. I'm just glad it hasn't been as hard as I thought it would have been. That I need not to fear because YOU are on my side and so is the rest of my friends & family. Jesus bring the rain(: That I may gather my covers, my pillow and my bolster, and drift to a soft and sound sleep. That this time round; I remember and smile:) For the Lord is my strength Treasure it; dance with it.

NOW PLAYING - Something different from the Breaking Benjamin we all know - Rain



I will return; and gather all that was lost, all that was taken away, all that was broken. A completeness is needed. It bangs on the very door I've locked it out on.

Selamat Hari Raya to you ppl^^; So much for a "mid-term break" .......