Speedos & Shaving

Posted on Saturday, September 29, 2007 -

Speedos. We men dread it. Unless you’re some pro swimmer of course or a fanatic about swimming*pouts* I don’t see how Puasa/Muslims(no offence:)) fits into the necessity of the rest of us having to do swimming for P.E. I hate-like swimming. It’s just one of those sports that you don’t want to be strenuous, but rather relaxing and fun. So swimming, speedos is now an officially, a MUST strictly followed ruleX_X Or any appropriate swim wear? Swimming boxers or wateva you call them. Same kinda effect to us men – embarrassment.

I swear, it's so friggin' uncomfortable. It feels so tight. Theres' no freedom at all. After some time you suddenly feel like you've lost the ability to reproduce. It goes numb. Especially if you're wearing briefs underneath. TRUST ME - never, ever "go commando" when you swim. Some bit of advice to the guys, girls, no idea. We just find it too "revealing" kinda like tights but worse. Plus it's kind hard to obvious the blank stares-_-" It's like you're trying to tell everyone else, "HEY! EYES UP HERE, NOT DOWN THERE, HERE, *points at your eyes*" Fustrating much. Even guys can't help starring at "The Place" *coughss* Guess we like comparing?=p Losing dignity here~

Theres absolutely no escape. My P.E. teacher (Mr. SMALL=p) carries this bag around, and inside is a lifetime supply of speedosD_D So even if you do forget, hehe you’re still gonna be wearing spandexs for swimming. Even the cheeky me; didn’t manage to escape the evil grasps of wearing a speedo. Simply inevitable. Luckily this week, got me mama to write a note saying I've got some skin allergy thing? Really it was just some MAJOR mozzy bites which kinda left some screwed up marks on me-_-" counted 11/12 on one arm, lots on legs and yea.

OH, You know how girls tend to turn away in disgust when we men walk out with speedos? Something tells me, that at least ONE teeny bit of them likes it=p I’m certain theres this handsome prince without his horse but speedos kinda thing somewhere in their corrupted minds. Kinda like the men on Baywatch=p or the picture above. Oh, btw we’re doing lifesaving in swimming=D so yes, it does feel good to be rescued by girls;) At least the pretty ones:x BAHAHAHA I shud really cut the crap now.

What the ?!?!?!

My New SMexxy Speeeedoooss~ 25 doshers! And I am so NOTT paying;p

Shaving. WOMEN’s…..I…er… I mean MEN’s thing;p Mom got me a shaving kit, razor and shaving cream and all. I’ll worry about after-shave when I start to itchX_X Moustache is getting a liddle fuzzy but still, I love shaving. Its fun:D just wish I had more to shave, like a goatee=D Shaving kit’s been just sitting there though. I’m kind afraid to shave by myself:X scared I’ll cut and bleed and freak out then faint. Haha cos I’m so NOT use to shaving on my own, but I should learn. It’s now or never.

Oh, do you people have any idea about when do I have to change the razor blades? Cos' I've got like 5 extras=p Don't want to be shaving with a rusty blade, my cut myself and then get poising but the rust and have to get jabs>_>

Malay O'level orals yesterday was ok. Kinda annoyed how they think we're absolute dummies even though our standard of malay is really really low compared to other schools. Kinda screwed up when I got questioned on the name of the Museum in Bandar? and what was so special about it? haha something to do with taking shoes off and stuff. Apparently some people got pretty emotional too=/ For once, I wish I was white too. Whiteys(no offence) got it off easy; I HATE YOU JAKE!?!? 0=)

Guess that pretty much wraps it up. Thank god for weekends:) Though mine looks pretty hectic, i'll live. OHOH, ME GOTS A BASS AMPXD HAHA BORROWED IT OF COURSE; THANKS A BUNCH TRIST<3 hehe now all I need is my OWN bass:D Finally, I can practice proper:) BOB is coming up too! Is gonna bring teh house down~ Hopefully YDM considers joining:) Was too lazy to take pix of bass amp so yea, and sorry to Trist, didn't know you were gonna stay yesterday night:x



Ps. Gid; am I suppose to reply you're draft post? haha inform me! Hope you like the song too~ AWESOME me thinks!