My posts are always delayed=p They tend to be a few days, or even weeks after the actual event of happening:P Nways, A blessed belated Easter to all:) To all those I invited to the Easter service & who came,many thanx & I truly appreciate it.Hope you got something out of it;) This year was I think, much better than last year I guess.Overall it was pretty great:D I've always wondered how it would be like in other countries when it was Easter...So far I've always helped out during Easter. Last year i was a dancer-_-" This year was more of a backstage/behind the scenes/technical crew type of person. But it was always for the same person-God. Anways,just a few pixs I managed to grab off deviant to sum up:)
ps.remember its not about bunnies or chocolate eggs;p Its about Jesus' resurection & so on!