BGIC V 2007-from a helper's point of view.

Posted on Thursday, March 08, 2007 -

This post is so delayed=p & its also the second time im writing it-_-" darnit. BGIC finished like a wk ago but im still gonna post since ive been bothered by cos of zero updates on the blog;) You've probably heard about this from other blogs but this is what i thought of it really. BGIC stands for Borneo Global issues conference btw & its kinda of a MUN thing-Model United Nations. So basically we had schools from all over Asia coming to Brueni(WOOTS!) to debate on the enviroment,human rights etc.

Being my first year ever, i thought not to jump straight into it & drown as a delegate but to participate as a helper:D Had pretty much fun & the most we had to do was chores, simple tasks and nothing too Strenuous.Best part was i joined for free too while the delegates had to pay quite a sum for expenses such as food or lodging. Oh, and i got food for free too!Basically everything was for free, even the disco & food at the empire on the last day. I found it amusing watching delegates or should i say countries go agaisnt each other=p Some forums proved to be pretty energised and hilarious. Met a lot of look-alikes too. For instance i saw Bilbo Baggins, Nakamura from the new series "Heroes" and even a jean the 2nd=p Since im running out of words ill just add in pixs:)cant wait till the next oneXD

group photo! As you can see, it was hard work;)


me frewns<3

ps.many thanxs to kak j for the pixs:D i didnt put all of them but your favour its very much appreciated.
pps.azim, i hope yu find stepahnie;p