
Posted on Monday, January 04, 2010 -

Happy new year visitors(:

sorry for the lack of updates.

Been busy,

studying, sleeping, having bro-sis time, christmas, new years, etc.

IB's not slowing down & so I've started counting time in hours. It seems more fast-paced, limited, choppy.

Would like to take this time to congradulate me best mate, Scott, on doing me proud and gettin' beat by amanda(: Love ya. Gives me inspiration to excel in IB, and of course to beat you if possible:p IB's a programme btw, not a school:P

guess a final note would be like it feels this is going to be fine year.

Pretty slick start anyways(: hehe


good news is I'm not chosen for National Service, (shant end up like my sis!:P)

bad news is, i've got to keep this mop, probably till i'm bothered to do something that's as low maintainence. guess I won't ever look like D' , yet hehe:D besides i've beeen feeling my head, and i think it suits hair, without it, hmmm, no doubt, i'll look unquestionablly half ogre:P

anyhoots, i'm going for a chop soon. hopefully, he does some kinda mistake and i get one of these anyways^^
