Funny thing is I've never remembered a summer....completely is, most of the time is wasted away.
Suppose it's always been bustling with more than just holidays. Anyhoots, just reading a mail from the SIC, and it's been a crazy school year. You know, I would actually be glad if it just consisted of an entire month at OBBD:P
So just looking ahead and ahead, whats in store for the next one and a half months:
-weathering heights
-Geo Case studies
-Malay World Literature Essay
Not much I suppose, but when you're as lazy as me, this is gonna be troublesome.
Just listening to Mood Rings and Gid's voice, and common phrase pops up in me head:P Not to mention the nags of my sis........;)
Girls and their emotions play it back in slow motion so I may understand the complex infrastructure known as the female mind.
So I suppose it's surprising and not surprising at the same time that peeps dare to venture during the summer. Worse comes to worse, just get aid and you'll live. Doesn't seem so scary, and it doesn't seem like we need to take precaution, well extremely that is. Though Brunei is tiny, feels like the inevitable is coming D_D Suppose it's a blessing that this isn't a zomibe/cannibal virus sort of thing, then we'd all be "dead" X_X
Ah, anyhoots, am loooking forward to spending time with the ozziesXD Been awhile, well not really, suppose life just knocked me off my feet.
Here WE GO! 2 more terms, a heck load of ___________ fill in the blanks X_X
