Here he is -
Nathan Chasing Horse:D With mwahXD
His 3 wives D_D It's culture/tradition so surprise in his community:P Apparently they can't talk to men too....there was this huge dare going around: - talk to his wives. Was too scary to attempt, he's like friggin' tall and probably like killed some grizzly bear with his hands or something like that X_X
Don't know what he's doing, but too bad he couldnt wear his head dress, would have been totally mind blowing! I think he was wearing animal skin? smelt sort of funky...:P
So just imagine him wearing this:

Pretty awesome eh;
Ps. Mr. Canterford(the secondary principal) actually invited de Caprio once to BGIC:P haha and all sorts of famous peeps which I dont know & remember:P
Pps. He is a red indian right peeps?:P
Ppps. wish I had a cool name like sheng Moose chaser:PP