Youth Camp!
Is over:(
But, it doesn’t end there. As youth, we’ve got a long road ahead of us one that is unseen and unknown by mankind and there is bound to be more God encounters. Youth camp is just one event out of all the other happenings throughout the year. The real thing, the more essential event happens every week (more or less), and that is Y.D.M. So don’t just stop at camp peeps, whether you’ve experienced God in an extraordinary, massive way, or perhaps in a smaller, not so grand way, I encourage you all to crave for more. More of Him. More of His heart.
What I’ve really learnt or have understood more from this camp is God’s reassurance. It was strange how it felt so right and so certain when I was praying for others, but when it came to myself, everything just seemed impossible. I was just confused at that moment, too much of guilt. So for that moment I struggled with faith and trust. I bombarded Him with questions that have simple, correct answers. Answers that I should have known. So the reason for breaking down I felt was really because of conviction, love, because I didn’t believe, because I encountered God and WOW! It was so overwhelming, so astounding. I just needed more.
Another aspect God really taught me more about and I believe this is one of the reasons why it was His will for me to attend camp, was forgiveness. I don’t think I’ve ever had a problem with this issue but more with it’s second half, “forgetting”, that’s the trouble. God really turned all that around, and he kinda threw in it my face and said, face it. He hurled it at me because He knew I wanted it I guess. I wanted it all back, that I missed it. He wanted to show his greater plans and how life doesn’t have to end whenever you’re stuck. He replaced my joy because what I had was never satisfying and now I feel so much more relieved.
A few more highlights: my fellow ‘multi-partners” quote ry, Dennis, i.e. Sweet cheeks, pretty boy, pinky, BE, HUGE GUY, Ryan E. you guys are fabulous. You guys contribute not only to the success of this camp but to why this camp goes into my book of treasured memoirs. I love you guys. I still owe you a few more farts ry!! Who would know you would get me back=p Dennis; stay pretty!;)
Dad; thanks for the prayer, I can’t possibly thank you enough, it’s like the Father sent the Father(: You’ve always been the place where I could find comfort. I love you so much. We should hang on me burfdayXD
And to the rest of you people who went through camp with me, *MWAH* We’re family and thanks for carrying the burden with me. My prayer for you all is that You shall continue to long for Him and seek him everyday!
The food was good too! Is always good!! You’ve got to say Amen to that Gid;) haha btw Linus is awesome! I wish I was there in Perth with you guys, we could be like the coolest threesome, haha He calls me Gid=p Really miss you buddy, come back ASAP you’ve missed loads!! Hope God is doing great things for you in Oz, or should I say “down under”??!? No offence I just took that off Linus. Great guy, haha so hilarious!
Jingsz*; A.K.A. PASTOR SHENG; (I think you peeps misheard what I said about how I said "even though I may not be pastor sheng, I like helping people understand the word" for "I feel like I'm pastor sheng, helping those in need of understanding and blah blah blah..." Oh wells, it's a good title, So Praise the LORD!!) Also known as ANGEL SHENG; these titles were given by Uncle Mark Baker:D Miss him! So Asian for an Ozzy;
Ps. WOOTS!! I can’t wait to learn drums from Wes:DD haha, maybe my REAL calling lies in drum playing you know, maybe that’ why I moved…;p Who knows?
But, it doesn’t end there. As youth, we’ve got a long road ahead of us one that is unseen and unknown by mankind and there is bound to be more God encounters. Youth camp is just one event out of all the other happenings throughout the year. The real thing, the more essential event happens every week (more or less), and that is Y.D.M. So don’t just stop at camp peeps, whether you’ve experienced God in an extraordinary, massive way, or perhaps in a smaller, not so grand way, I encourage you all to crave for more. More of Him. More of His heart.
What I’ve really learnt or have understood more from this camp is God’s reassurance. It was strange how it felt so right and so certain when I was praying for others, but when it came to myself, everything just seemed impossible. I was just confused at that moment, too much of guilt. So for that moment I struggled with faith and trust. I bombarded Him with questions that have simple, correct answers. Answers that I should have known. So the reason for breaking down I felt was really because of conviction, love, because I didn’t believe, because I encountered God and WOW! It was so overwhelming, so astounding. I just needed more.
Another aspect God really taught me more about and I believe this is one of the reasons why it was His will for me to attend camp, was forgiveness. I don’t think I’ve ever had a problem with this issue but more with it’s second half, “forgetting”, that’s the trouble. God really turned all that around, and he kinda threw in it my face and said, face it. He hurled it at me because He knew I wanted it I guess. I wanted it all back, that I missed it. He wanted to show his greater plans and how life doesn’t have to end whenever you’re stuck. He replaced my joy because what I had was never satisfying and now I feel so much more relieved.
A few more highlights: my fellow ‘multi-partners” quote ry, Dennis, i.e. Sweet cheeks, pretty boy, pinky, BE, HUGE GUY, Ryan E. you guys are fabulous. You guys contribute not only to the success of this camp but to why this camp goes into my book of treasured memoirs. I love you guys. I still owe you a few more farts ry!! Who would know you would get me back=p Dennis; stay pretty!;)
Dad; thanks for the prayer, I can’t possibly thank you enough, it’s like the Father sent the Father(: You’ve always been the place where I could find comfort. I love you so much. We should hang on me burfdayXD
And to the rest of you people who went through camp with me, *MWAH* We’re family and thanks for carrying the burden with me. My prayer for you all is that You shall continue to long for Him and seek him everyday!
The food was good too! Is always good!! You’ve got to say Amen to that Gid;) haha btw Linus is awesome! I wish I was there in Perth with you guys, we could be like the coolest threesome, haha He calls me Gid=p Really miss you buddy, come back ASAP you’ve missed loads!! Hope God is doing great things for you in Oz, or should I say “down under”??!? No offence I just took that off Linus. Great guy, haha so hilarious!
Jingsz*; A.K.A. PASTOR SHENG; (I think you peeps misheard what I said about how I said "even though I may not be pastor sheng, I like helping people understand the word" for "I feel like I'm pastor sheng, helping those in need of understanding and blah blah blah..." Oh wells, it's a good title, So Praise the LORD!!) Also known as ANGEL SHENG; these titles were given by Uncle Mark Baker:D Miss him! So Asian for an Ozzy;
Ps. WOOTS!! I can’t wait to learn drums from Wes:DD haha, maybe my REAL calling lies in drum playing you know, maybe that’ why I moved…;p Who knows?
Pps. HAPPY BURFDAY TO JESSICA ANG:D MY FELLOW JUNE BABY! hope it was as SWEET as you wanted it to be! *hearts* ^^

An advance to my late neighbour, Raymond Chin, I miss you man and the whole Chin family. Get your license quick and bring me home:(
Don't you miss these times? Me, you, Jung and KAMPON AYER!! WOOTS!! haha I miss that hat too, "Hell" with the Shell logo turned into a skull=p We were such kids....
Ppps. To all the June babies that shared the moment of cake and celebration during camp, especially Lenard who got sabo-ed loads;) a Happy belated/advanced/present/ burfday to you!
Pppps. Sorry to all who did attend the concert and wanted to see us play, Looks like it didn't turn out as I wanted it to be but more of where God wanted me to be. My apologies on behalf of 7minutesoffame.
Ppppps. Sorry Ying I lost the poem, went they moved and touched the box I lost it, think I hid it in me clothes, lost my dvd’s too. It’s boring here and I hope you’re doing okay there
Pppppps. I miss home. I miss shaz, my englsih buddy, you were such a smarty, always had ideas and interpretations, such a blessing to have you friend; love; AB, my addmath brother, don't ever forget what I taught you, LAWN, ln, =p haha you were a fighter just like the rest of us, and we made it, we aced the exam with "flying colours" so don't worry. Am terribly regretful that I couldn't see you off. I love you man. Sorry I didn't have a photo with you=(