“I wish we were in heaven, that God would take us there. That way we wouldn’t have to take these exams…”
Not long ago I was having this conversation with my little brother; we were both in the midst of exams where the days would be spent on subject after subject, fact after fact, calculation after calculation. Exams play an essential part of our lives; some of them determine our future or our further studies or perhaps where you stand in your social life, you’re reputation. We all know how life is when it gets to us. We might find that one day we find ourselves at the point of breaking down, seconds away to a drop, in joyous communion with friends and family. Who knows? But there’ll be one day along that road where you look at that intimidating, threatening pile of books needed for revision and just give up. Give in. And wish you were home.
It’s a pretty deep statement from an eleven year old if you think about. Wanting to be home just because of his exams though may seem pretty rash. But then again, when you think about his “solution” to his exams it does kinda throw it into the “deep” category again. Let’s just say it isn’t the typical type of 11 year old answer. So when I say homesick, it’s literal. Just that I feel there’s more than one home.
Why do I feel homesick? Or more so on why do people feel homesick too? I think it’s because we never got to/get to say goodbye. I think that why I miss. Goodbyes mean a lot to me even if it’s the last thing I would want to do at times. I’ve moved recently and it was abrupt. I mean I knew I was leaving but I didn’t know it was as soon as it was. It is hard and still is.
I miss EVERYTHING. I’ve been in low san garden for 10 years give or take and it’s been pleasant. Guess I didn’t really like it when I we first moved in. But gradually it grew on me and I fell in love with home. I remember many things. All the neighbors, we had Patrick who lived at number 2 with his mini playground, fun guy(: I remember when he got chased but “the black and white dog”(that’s what we use to call it) and he was on his bike and crashed D_D hated that dog but thank god Patrick was safe:D then there were these 2 indian girls. Haha they weren’t exactly sociable in the simpang but yea…and then Shen and Yen. The brothers really were fun but did have a problem with excretion. Shen too a dump on the pole near the playhouse while Yen took a piss down the slide D_D yes, but we all still play on those things…they had a really cool room though! It was like a castle/camp kinda thing. Something any 6 year old would crave about. Next Kevin or was it calvin…he was cool always had fun playing with him and his army gear! Though he was a bit of a cry-er and we was frightened of his mama we had great times. He showed me all the secret room of the empire Cineplex and how everything works! Miss that guy actually. He’s all grown up now:D Still remember when we got chased by your mom to the construction site D_D come to think of it was actually fun. I shall say no more. Then there was Colin Roche and family. You were the probably the best neighbor I had before the Chin family moved in:D I remember all the ps2 moments, especially the NBA moments=p Plus roadrunner or was it loadrunner? I can’t remember but that was AWESOME:D You taught me Risk, boogle, monopoly and all the other amusing board games. Life was good. And then there was Marianne, Nigel, and Gregory. I still remember getting bullied by Marianne=p Nigel was pretty cool. Gregory was also pretty much bullied like me=p
Recent neighbors, Gregorious Ranga, he was a suck up and first, and then a bully. But we got along well, though there was much bullying, there was still love in it. Miss that guy. Chin’s have been around for pretty long, but they are my second family. My second home. Miss them the most atm. Sheng lee. Thanks for the tennis and bball matches. Kept me active despite my lazyness. Jake Ten, thanks for all the rides and the bballs. I’ll drop by sometime soon when I return to get back stuff. Your dogs are still freaky though D_D Oh, and then theres my next door neighbour. Beautiful garden, but it’s freaky when the uncle wears heels in the morning to wash his car. Theres more unmanly stuff but that is enough. Then there is Aunty polylene? Think that’s how you spell it, but she was very kind, looked after us as kids and fed us too:D Tadun, the giant when he was 12D_D pool and bball with you was unforgettable! Bottom line is “ Love your neighbor as you love yourselves”
Other pleasant memories consist of the wild river beside me house and the jungle behind the house. During intense rainfall the river would just rise that you could see it an inch below the wall that contained it. Was freaky but I always thought it was a perfect time for a swim:D I remember the wasted times fishing there…never caught a thing-_-“ What gave me most of the comfort were the two giant coconut trees. Not only was there plenty of meat, shade, drink, a sense of direction, it made me feel safe. What the jungle brings back is the snake attacks. Experienced a lot and have killed lots unfortunately. And then there were the monkeys, they’ve disappeared. Guess the needles in the banana trick really worked. Pretty smart idea I have to say colin(: Best times however were the squirrels visits. Seeing them scamper along the barbed wire on the fence was amazing. Early in the morning during breakfast you would see them scurry and dart along the thick vines. Such agile creatures I say. Every now and then the odd bird with its family would drop by for a visit. I still remember saving a pigeon from the thorn bushes. My good deed(: Ultimately, I miss having pets. I still remember cactus and Sheryl. My buck tooth friends. Becks and pussy which I never got to say goodbye to. Pussy was smart and faithful. Not the typical lazy Garfield type of cat. For one thing, he could open my door in the middle of the night, which was pretty freaky>_> Becks the faithful dog/wolf look alike. The other cool thing about you was the dreadlock you had on your tail! Haha What I have now? Are birds living in my air-conds and disrupting my afternoon naps-_-“
What I enjoyed most were the mango hunts we use to go on. Whilst there was no one there it wasn’t stealing but they still tasted good! Which reminds of James, Jessica and Mitchell! Blonde ozzies! Really cool though they slept at 7:30pm D_D which is crazy I think. Great bunch. Mangoes were good:D There was also the construction yard while it was still alive, and the lake where we would go rafting and fruit hunting with my brother! It was just so wonderful! It was like living in the wild! How we made our own camps and had wars, the good ole’ times. OH! I almost forgot! The philipinos! Great bball players:D though it seemed one dude was trying to hit on my sister which really annoyed me=/ furthermore the childhood games who I don’t know who made up, victory was the best, but certainly the most dangerous=p If only there was more peeps then we could play again. I know ray would like it:D How am I ever going to learn how to drive or at least practice driving? *sighs*
“I wish we were in heaven, that God would take us there. That way we wouldn’t have to take these exams…”
Not long ago I was having this conversation with my little brother; we were both in the midst of exams where the days would be spent on subject after subject, fact after fact, calculation after calculation. Exams play an essential part of our lives; some of them determine our future or our further studies or perhaps where you stand in your social life, you’re reputation. We all know how life is when it gets to us. We might find that one day we find ourselves at the point of breaking down, seconds away to a drop, in joyous communion with friends and family. Who knows? But there’ll be one day along that road where you look at that intimidating, threatening pile of books needed for revision and just give up. Give in. And wish you were home.
It’s a pretty deep statement from an eleven year old if you think about. Wanting to be home just because of his exams though may seem pretty rash. But then again, when you think about his “solution” to his exams it does kinda throw it into the “deep” category again. Let’s just say it isn’t the typical type of 11 year old answer. So when I say homesick, it’s literal. Just that I feel there’s more than one home.
Why do I feel homesick? Or more so on why do people feel homesick too? I think it’s because we never got to/get to say goodbye. I think that why I miss. Goodbyes mean a lot to me even if it’s the last thing I would want to do at times. I’ve moved recently and it was abrupt. I mean I knew I was leaving but I didn’t know it was as soon as it was. It is hard and still is.
I miss EVERYTHING. I’ve been in low san garden for 10 years give or take and it’s been pleasant. Guess I didn’t really like it when I we first moved in. But gradually it grew on me and I fell in love with home. I remember many things. All the neighbors, we had Patrick who lived at number 2 with his mini playground, fun guy(: I remember when he got chased but “the black and white dog”(that’s what we use to call it) and he was on his bike and crashed D_D hated that dog but thank god Patrick was safe:D then there were these 2 indian girls. Haha they weren’t exactly sociable in the simpang but yea…and then Shen and Yen. The brothers really were fun but did have a problem with excretion. Shen too a dump on the pole near the playhouse while Yen took a piss down the slide D_D yes, but we all still play on those things…they had a really cool room though! It was like a castle/camp kinda thing. Something any 6 year old would crave about. Next Kevin or was it calvin…he was cool always had fun playing with him and his army gear! Though he was a bit of a cry-er and we was frightened of his mama we had great times. He showed me all the secret room of the empire Cineplex and how everything works! Miss that guy actually. He’s all grown up now:D Still remember when we got chased by your mom to the construction site D_D come to think of it was actually fun. I shall say no more. Then there was Colin Roche and family. You were the probably the best neighbor I had before the Chin family moved in:D I remember all the ps2 moments, especially the NBA moments=p Plus roadrunner or was it loadrunner? I can’t remember but that was AWESOME:D You taught me Risk, boogle, monopoly and all the other amusing board games. Life was good. And then there was Marianne, Nigel, and Gregory. I still remember getting bullied by Marianne=p Nigel was pretty cool. Gregory was also pretty much bullied like me=p
Recent neighbors, Gregorious Ranga, he was a suck up and first, and then a bully. But we got along well, though there was much bullying, there was still love in it. Miss that guy. Chin’s have been around for pretty long, but they are my second family. My second home. Miss them the most atm. Sheng lee. Thanks for the tennis and bball matches. Kept me active despite my lazyness. Jake Ten, thanks for all the rides and the bballs. I’ll drop by sometime soon when I return to get back stuff. Your dogs are still freaky though D_D Oh, and then theres my next door neighbour. Beautiful garden, but it’s freaky when the uncle wears heels in the morning to wash his car. Theres more unmanly stuff but that is enough. Then there is Aunty polylene? Think that’s how you spell it, but she was very kind, looked after us as kids and fed us too:D Tadun, the giant when he was 12D_D pool and bball with you was unforgettable! Bottom line is “ Love your neighbor as you love yourselves”
Other pleasant memories consist of the wild river beside me house and the jungle behind the house. During intense rainfall the river would just rise that you could see it an inch below the wall that contained it. Was freaky but I always thought it was a perfect time for a swim:D I remember the wasted times fishing there…never caught a thing-_-“ What gave me most of the comfort were the two giant coconut trees. Not only was there plenty of meat, shade, drink, a sense of direction, it made me feel safe. What the jungle brings back is the snake attacks. Experienced a lot and have killed lots unfortunately. And then there were the monkeys, they’ve disappeared. Guess the needles in the banana trick really worked. Pretty smart idea I have to say colin(: Best times however were the squirrels visits. Seeing them scamper along the barbed wire on the fence was amazing. Early in the morning during breakfast you would see them scurry and dart along the thick vines. Such agile creatures I say. Every now and then the odd bird with its family would drop by for a visit. I still remember saving a pigeon from the thorn bushes. My good deed(: Ultimately, I miss having pets. I still remember cactus and Sheryl. My buck tooth friends. Becks and pussy which I never got to say goodbye to. Pussy was smart and faithful. Not the typical lazy Garfield type of cat. For one thing, he could open my door in the middle of the night, which was pretty freaky>_> Becks the faithful dog/wolf look alike. The other cool thing about you was the dreadlock you had on your tail! Haha What I have now? Are birds living in my air-conds and disrupting my afternoon naps-_-“
What I enjoyed most were the mango hunts we use to go on. Whilst there was no one there it wasn’t stealing but they still tasted good! Which reminds of James, Jessica and Mitchell! Blonde ozzies! Really cool though they slept at 7:30pm D_D which is crazy I think. Great bunch. Mangoes were good:D There was also the construction yard while it was still alive, and the lake where we would go rafting and fruit hunting with my brother! It was just so wonderful! It was like living in the wild! How we made our own camps and had wars, the good ole’ times. OH! I almost forgot! The philipinos! Great bball players:D though it seemed one dude was trying to hit on my sister which really annoyed me=/ furthermore the childhood games who I don’t know who made up, victory was the best, but certainly the most dangerous=p If only there was more peeps then we could play again. I know ray would like it:D How am I ever going to learn how to drive or at least practice driving? *sighs*
Well, I still thank God, i've been blessed indeed and so has my family. I'm just glad that I can still hear the music of the rain. Guess it does pay to walk up 4 flights of stairs and be on top. Oh, I almost forgot. I miss not having to open my closet to take out my clothes. I remember how I fell asleep whilst trying to get my clothes in the morning and I accidently leaned on my cupboard door too much that it broke off. So from then on taking clothes wasn't much of a hassle. Here, the cupboard is still in tack. Let's hope it stays alive=p Surprisingly, I miss my noisy air con. It's much colder here so I gotta take midnight or early mornin' visits to the toliet.
You know despite everything else, it does somehow feel like I’m much closer to home than ever before. Like I said, it feels like home is more than just where it is now or was, though I know I wont mope when I’m finally home.
“If home is where the heart is, then my home is where you are…” I’m taking you with me; relient k, Five score and seven years ago
You know despite everything else, it does somehow feel like I’m much closer to home than ever before. Like I said, it feels like home is more than just where it is now or was, though I know I wont mope when I’m finally home.
“If home is where the heart is, then my home is where you are…” I’m taking you with me; relient k, Five score and seven years ago
Ps. Okay, so maybe I'm a bit more worth than 100 points to some people, or perhaps there were different intentions. D_D This photo was pretty freaky/scary to me. No offence really... maybe girls should just catch girls and guys catch guys next time;p
Pps. I like this pose. Good one wes:D Too bad we never got to beat your team at captain ball eh(;
Ppps. I can't wait till Joel K comes back! If you're reading this, hopefully you've got my Mercyme Latest album too yea;) Enjoy this track, emo but meaningful. You homesick yet von? ;) <3>
With highest hopes and overwhelming love, you bought the cake and refused it to be shove, silently behing the dancing shadows, you crept across the darkened meadows; Surprise, Surprise, you said hello, but twas late and we saw you my fellow, with candles bright and gleaming forth, shone upon a heart of love; But then and there sadness came, bitterness and rage you could not bear, the tears that soaked your eyes and drenched your faces, tore you apart; There it lay in smitherees, once a cake but now a debris, two broken hearts and one lover, not knowing that all would be soon over; - jingsz* in Memory of 6/23 and in tribute to Dear 256,
Pppppps. Found the poem ying. now you have to find it(;