Have you ever looked into the mirror to find yourself looking at the most scariest thing you've ever seen? Perhaps a shrek, or a stray dog, a beast or a mould of fat. Many times you spot the obviously hideous thing, a double chin, 6 six necks perhaps, a bulging zit. You just can't miss it...
Here I sit, a scrupmtious yet simple meal sprawled along with the mess of my containers on the table. The exquisite smell of sweat, BBQ garlic chicken, and baked potatoes lingers as the endless que of people stand. In the shade of the solid roof and breeze of the distant mango tree I am complacent. The company of those that have shared friendship crowds the table but I have seen already. The table rouses with chattering and confusion while I too watch with an abstract horror.
Everone else sees what a normal person would but I see beyond that and find my reflection. Maybe what I see is not an exact replica but I don't like what I see. I question and worry but hold thoughts and feelings unseen within. And so after I walk out into the clusters on the court and think what would everyone think if they could see beyond the plainess of the normal image? What if they saw me? What would they think after? Instict says protect your loved ones. Refrain pain again.
But what really bothers me the most is What does God think? What does he say? What is his will?
And so the prayer continues...