Guess I really should apologize first; for just not letting it all out even at that point when you said I should:X For too long it’s all been shadowed and carefully protected behind the sacred masks that hide the solemn truth. It kinda reminds me of how we would play games like IT or Chara during our childhood and yell out “you can run, but you can’t hide’ Just thinking over time and how it took so long for such an occasion, how all it needed was something to hit home and BAM. To even think it could just be thrown and hidden away was foolish, that since then it’s just been a silent stalker, silent but deadly. I remember being so afraid that I would want to leave for the very same reason that makes me want stay. But now if I decide I’m going to run, I’m taking you with me:) Whether I like it or not.
What a day. It never occurred to me how it would put life in a completely different perspective. Just those few conscious hours was changing. Afraid as I was to begin with it only disappeared knowing you. So maybe it was hard to say a few things; but could have it been any clearer? Actions speak louder than words, but boy oh boy, it was such a joy hearing your voice, just chatting felt like it was worth dying for, so expensive that it shouldn’t be wasted. At the start I was so afraid it wouldn’t be for long yet at the end I only wanted longer. Just felt I needed to catch up, felt as if you’ve been too far for too long, that there was this necessity of just filling out all the stuff that I missed.
So go ahead and ask her, for a happily ever after, cos’ nobody’s knows whats’ coming, so why not take a chance on loving;
Lyrics taken from Lemonade, Chris Rice, What a Heart is beating for;
For the record, for just coming up to face me, it reminds me why I found you so amazing.
Ppps. Special thanks to 2/26, countless times you’ve been the one to break the fall. It may suck being the only girl in the family but I can’t thank God enough for you. I love you.
Pppps. Thanks to the guys who helped out with the recording! :D I owe you all a drink;) Will send you guys the track ASAP!
Ppppps. Another number by Chris rice: YOU HAVE SO GOTTA CHECK THIS OUT! SO COOL!!! 8D