I've always had an interest in the twinkling lights (though I was greatly influenced in the recent moments of my 'heart' life) above admist the midnight darkness that engulfed the solemn night skies. With the open, clear view above my head I would gaze up and look for the wandering constellations painted on, even though I only knew one constellation myself=p It just pleased me to see these silent companions of the moon illuminating the somewhat sinister darkness pledging their guidance in the same way they guided the 3 magi. It's these fabulous creations that inspire me reach for the skies, literally to become a pilot, what I've dreamed to be or perhaps an astronaut, or even an astrologist.
Canadian Christian Rock band!

Anyway, that wasn't really the point. Introducing....

First of all a great thanks to me god-father for introducing this band to me:) As well as for all the other music artists that you have introduced me too:D This was it. After listening to so many christian rock bands, I thought it would be cool to start a christian rock band of my own, after the album title of course- "Beauty in the Broken" Afterall it's not copyright right?;p I dont know, but maybe one day if we get famous they would tour with us:P Actually planned to start a band after the title given by me brother ray, " young bloods" which was suppose to be a bball team name=p Trist, Gid! Get back here so we can start god's work! haha I figured if it was one way to serve Jesus, I would like to do it through worship/music(: Most of the other peeps are here already. Though it would be cooler if we got famous in OZ, haha...dream on sheng. Dream on......
Btw, did you realize the similarity in the hairstyles? Ron says they look boyband-ish. haha Theres brothers in the band though I'm not sure which pair;p You probably think the guy at the end spoils the picture/"band-look" but I have to admit he plays some mean bass in the first song! (no slapping btw)
Oh and that insignia above is theirs', just thought it looked cool so I would take it since my name starts with "s" Pretty cool eh? hehe NEW ALBUM's OUT IN MARCH! MUST GET! and the first album! Too bad Brunei's is Brunei eh....FIRST ORDER! or is anyone going to US/Canada anytime soon?, come to think of it I could ask Uncle Andy hahaha miss him badgering me about proper footwear;p
Ps. GID ITS ABOUT TIME YOU BLOGGED!?!?!?!?! It's not called "hiddengangs" for no reason! BUM! Still love you man, still love you<3
Pps. All starfield songs are hereby dedicated to Ronnie, D', Gee, Rowee, & Artee:))
Ppppps. More favourites: