So much for...

Posted on Sunday, April 22, 2007 -

The start of the week didnt look promising at all.It was a bad start & it seemed to get worse without much notice till now. I kinda realised how much i'm missing. It always seems to get to me on weekends, but this week it really hit me. Was pretty much fustrated,annoyed,stressed(business-_-"),pissed,tired,painful & sick. My right calf's killing me>< Its all stiff & i have no idea why. I'm banned frm bball on sundays till exams are over but at least i still got my usual league games on tuesday.Hopefully ill get to play,skipped training:x & i just caught the cold-_-" damn you anand!;p

Woke up this morning & went to muara beach for Earth Day.Was pretty much forced into the whole cleaning up/gotong royong stuff.Somehow i can never beat my mom in arguments & i just end up listening to 5 minute lectures. Was lots of people & gd thing Hazim came along:D so it didnt turn out to be too bad after all. We like walked further than anyone & yea the amount of trash on the beach just got worse so we turned back.haiz,beaches in Brunei need to be kept more clean. Found quite alot of intresting stuff:), but the catch of the day was definately the best! check it out below. Was pretty much exhausted wen i got back so i fell asleep right away. Schools 2molo & i dont feel like it at all.Geo trip on tuesday = coursework.Yes, the dreaded project which all yr10s' will face sooner or later. I need a holidayXD haha I wanna go somewhere away,somewhere far, far away...but i guess im gna have to wait for that & so i will.

Hazim the fisherman:D

Sheng the fishermanx)

pretty big eh?;)

What is it.....looks pretty grose if yu ask me*pouts*

I'm guessing,its either a huge jellyfish/stingray.Was heavy & smelly much.

...that for all things,god works for the good.He has plans to propser you & not to harm you.That i believe he knowns best & will make it up to me:) wishing praying for a better week.


WOOTS! The forms are finally out, & im loaded with them:D hehe which means YOU can get one frm me cos ill be more than happy to give you one^^; ill probably the one approaching you anyways;p just make sure you're able to go so we dont waste the forms.looks wicked man! hehe sry its a bit blurr.