Freshwinds Conference 06'

Posted on Monday, December 04, 2006 -

I don't really know what Freshwinds Conference is but, i guess its some kinda of camp thing=p Freshwinds was from 30th November to 3rd of December. Technically, i was forced to go by my mom even though i made up my mind not to. At least i skipped one and a half days of school=D haha but i still have to catch up-_-"

So yea, left on the 30th after lunch from school to AFC centre in Delima. Upon my arrival the bus was already there but i wasnt late. Chucked my bags into the bus and hanged about in the sun for a while till i found out bry and rich were at easyway so i went there.Stayed in easyway for quite a while waiting for people to arrive who were following the bus. Eventually we left around 2 and arrived at Imperial Hotel around 5ish.

Road trip to Miri was aight.Fell asleep for quite a while then woke up again-_-" tried playing psp but the game was just too easy, so i got bored and just left it on the seat. Listen to music using rich's ipod and discovered some pretty cool songs=D Most of them bry's and rich's band played for SAS prom night which i heard was pretty gd.

As soon as we arrived we checked in and registered for the Freshwinds. I found the hotel kinda weird because you had to collect your room remote controls for the t.v. , cd player, air con when we checked in. Found it kinda gay, the hotel seems so insecure, who would steal a t.v. remote? or even an aircon remote? It would save them a whole lot of trouble to just leave everything in the room. There were like elevator keys as well so the key assigned to you could only go to the assigned floor where youre room is. So troublesome-_-" i didnt even have a key. We had some pretty weird neighbours, one of them kept dogs which were too loud-_-" and the other i wont mention:x

Sessions were great, the preachers were awesome and the worship remarkable. I found it kinda boring on the first day but gradually i started to enjoy myself as the the days flew by. The days went by rapidly, and before i even knew it, Freshwinds had ended. Time flys when you're having fun. Didn't really do much during free time but shop and swim=p haha Apparently we were suppose to go swimming in the morning on the last day but overslept=p Tried staying up all night but thinking made me drift into a deep sleep.

The mall that was situated below out hotel was alright. Parkson was just across the road which made it pretty accessible. Went to the arcade with sam,bry and jason at Parkson and it was fun! haha we planned on going the next day but was too lazy. Our room was pretty cool. Had a stove, pot, plates, bowls, cups, spoons, forks, knives etc. We even had a washing machine=p but i never used it. too lazy. The dumb thing was that everthing single window and door had to be opened with a key. The only exception was the bathroom=p We also had a pretty view of the beach which was much further away.

When it was time to leave, the bus had fogotten to pick us up so we were delayed by four hoursD_D. We were suppose to leave at 2 and arrive about late 5 but the bus only came around 6 and we arrived around 10ish. Was too lazy to walk around so just stayed in the lobby with rich using the net, eating icecream and just lazing about.

I expecting and even though the preacher didnt really pray for me which was really what i wanted, i still believe god has touched me. This whole Freshwinds thing was really a great experience for me and i'll definately carry it with me as life move on.


ps.gid, yu're post is like still left unfinshed & i think its about time yu finshed it=p